Friday, May 20, 2005

Welcome to the NEW Abyss Newsletter

Well, after months of research and some angst, we have a new newsletter. Yes, you will now have up to date information on all happenings, as they happen...none of this old news, sent via email that would be sporatically sent...this will be the Abyss newswire with updates made regularly...and if Nicola can maintain a steady internet connection in tulum, you may end up with more news than you wish....

So what is a Blog....well I think that most north Americans
EXCEPT for us use them. We stumbled across this option during a snorkeling tour at Casa Cenote and a 4 year old had i dont think you need a lot of detail as to how it works....but I will discuss the advantages...

We will post small articles every week to let you know what is happening, what is new and what is being seen in the ocean....we can update our employee list, regular happenings in Playa Del Carmen and Tulum, upcoming events and let you check to see if it is worth for you to take a quick hiatis to come and see us...though many do not need to be prompted on that one....really you will see us 24/7 as though you were we can not be missed. Now regular visits to the Blog does not mean that you can skip your visit to come and see us...print is great, but personal visits are fantastic....and we dont want to miss any of those....dont worry, if you have too much fun while visiting we do not have the right to announce your fun times here on the Blog....we will keep it personal but not that personal....

So lets play with this and use it as a way to keep each other in line with our diving and our fun....Now you will will see that really we work all day, dive all day and receive this news every day or week, not every month or so.....


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