Monday, May 07, 2007


I dont think we have told our customers (yes that would be you) lately how much we like you. YOur visits are great, we love having you as dive buddies and even more exciting, we love doing joint projects with you. Diving together is fun, spending time together in the hotel just adds to the longevity of the funness....but one of our customers, a long time friend has just come up with a BRILLIANT idea and we must we hope that you will get as excited about her organization and projects as we are.

Brenda has been diving with us for about 7 years. She is the funniest woman on the planet and has travelled/dove the world only to return to Playa Del Carmen and Tulum on many occasions to do what she loves; dive, hang out, chat about diving, chat about stuff and bring friends to join in the fun. In December of 2006, she returned from a cenote trip that had been to Angelita and Gran Cenote. She looked at us on return and stated, as only Brenda could do, 'I have had an experience and revelation in Gran Cenote and I will tell you about it in a month or so'.

Well Brenda has returned with some friends and she has told us, shown us and introduced us to her project, ZeroBar, and her new Blue Movement.

ZeroBar is a marine/diving project that is held under the umbrella of the Greg Smoody Foundation, a foundation formed in the honor of a very good friend of all of ours. It's focus is to build travel projects that educate divers about the delicate marine environment and get them involved in conservation while enjoying the sport of diving. The Tulum Mapping Project has been choosen as one of the diving activities that would do just our partnership evolves from a friendship to conservation project to the development of the BLUE MOVEMENT, a movement that will assist divers in becoming more aware of the environment that we so eagerly want to see and learn about. Now this is not a hard core conservationist approach to the environment which is why it is the Blue Movement. Divers already are acutely aware of the delicate environment that we are intruding upon and know that their diving ability can directly effect what happens to the flora and fauna that is down under the deep blue sea. The Blue Movement is a reminder of this; it is a means to educate in another way the priviledge we have as divers to see and understand another aspect of this wonderful planet.

After spending numerous hours with Brenda in the last few days listening to the result of her Angelita/Gran Cenote epiphany, we are convinced she is onto something here. We encoursge you to check out her website at and ask away...she is very clear in her approach to this and has some great ideas on how we, as divers can still participate in the sport that we love and be ambassadors to the waters that cover 78% of the earth.

This is why we love our customers, this is why we dive and continue to find other amenities that have you keep coming back to visit. Our discoveries are enhanced by your visits, your ideas and your friendship. For this we thank all of you.....friends of the Abyss Dive Center.


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